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Friday, January 19, 2007

Free Business Aids

It is always great when you find a good deal on things you always need for your business. Here is a perfect example.

VistaPrint has several free products available for your business. Free Deals of the Week

Here is what makes this deal so good: You can get one of each of the free deals. Also, go check out the specials because there are more free offers there. Well, in my shopping cart I had 100 regular post cards, 50 oversized post cards, 1 note pad, 10 note cards, 1 sticky notes, 250 business cards and one rubber stamp. These items were all free, but the shipping came out to $25.55. Not exactly great.

But, what I found out is that if I added an ink pad with my rubber stamp (it will be offered to you) for $1.99 my shipping went way down to $7.55. So, my total was $9.54. A much better price and I get an extra item!

I have purchased several of their items in the past including business cards, post cards (I used these as invitations to an event) and note pads. Get creative with the uses for the items.

The site is very easy to use and the quality has been great. I always just choose the slowest shipping and for me it has arrived in a very reasonable amount of time.

If you have not used Vista Print before this is a great way to try them out.
